Saturday, May 3, 2008

It's Been a While

I haven't had time to blog, or rather, haven't had the inspiration. It's kind of sad, actually. I love addressing this mystery audience of cyberspace. Something inside of me thinks there's at least one person that reads about me. At any rate, I think I'm sufficiently inspired. I've turned on the sappy Sunday morning tunes on a Saturday evening and I'm ready to blog.

I'm really excited for summer, for starters. A release from the pressures of academic pursuits will provide me time for me to do what I really [think I] need to do. I can get a job, deal with the ridiculous nature of menial employment again, and just have my own money to spend. Not to mention, starting a romance might be nice. It's really anybody's guess at this point.

I miss my family, as much as I may bemoan them throughout the school year. But when it really comes down to who loves me, I can always count on those guys. My mom always calls first, and it's always nice to know that one relationship in my life will work that way. And dad's moving to Boston. God knows how I'll handle that. I'm going to visit Granny next week in San Diego. I'm hoping she brings clarity to me in that wisened sage kinda way.