My spring break hasn't exactly been what I'd hoped for. I've seen many friends who I don't see during my college stints, and that all has been fantastic. I love you guys so much, and I'm so sorry we have such a limited time together. But at the same time, I feel like I have so much stuff to get organized. I'll be getting out of school in roughly two months, and at that point, beginning a new life living with my dad for the summer. I suppose now would also be a good time to vent about my parent's forthcoming divorce: I hate the drama. Enough said.
I'm realizing too that I'm living a multitude of different lives with their own respective identities. The primary "life" I'm living is that of a college student living away from home, enjoying friends and parties, and of course, working toward a degree. This is by far the easiest life to live, as it involves a lot of autonomy and very few restrictions. On the other hand, I'm going to have a life up in NorCal where I hopefully get a job for the summer and enjoy a little kickback, and of course maybe some romance. This life is harder, since I'm living it only a small fraction of the year and as yet, I have no guaranteed summer job.
Why just today I was working on a prospect for employment. But let me tell you, employers aren't keen on my double life of summer/the rest of my year at school. Temporary employment isn't so appealing to these people, and I'm finding myself sort of mucking through the application process. To gain an edge, I put on my suit, did my hair, and made sure I printed out my resume on that special kind of paper. This was met with:
1) This is just your resume, did you actually fill out an application? Yes you little twit, it's stapled to the back. Are you blind?!
2) So you're starting in May? Are you going to have to go back to school? Well duh, but maybe I won't tell you. I'm just wondering if you're smart enough to look my school up on the internet and realize Claremont is 300 miles from here.
3) Do you have a business card? Well, if you're going to be the one calling me, what purpose would that serve? Are you going on a narcissistic pedestal here so that I might see your name is printed on a slice of cardstock above the title Asst. Manager? I already have one, yes, thank you.
Everyone is telling me that the working world is just like this. It's not necessarily comforting or encouraging, but don't ever take me for someone who just gives up. So given these two lives, which one should I more firmly plant my feet? Do I try for a relationship up north, or down south? Either way, I'm going to be stretched. It's so unfortunate that I'm now beginning to wish I didn't go to school so far away...and I'm now looking past the experiences I'm going to have in the next few years and focusing more on my degree.